Images for Bio 4 Community, a scientific grant-project for educational purposes

Breath, Eyes, Memory is a series that addresses maternal relationships between Haitian women despite sexual trauma, highlighting moments of healing and discovery. Based off of Edwidge Danticat's Breath, Eyes, Memory, and exhibited in SVA's Junior Show "All in the Family" (2021)

Breath, Eyes Memory 1 (2021)

Breath, Eyes, Memory 2 (2021)

Breath, Eyes, Memory 3 (2021)

Breath, Eyes, Memory 4 (2021)

Breath, Eyes, Memory 5 (2021)

Breath, Eyes, Memory 6 (2021)

Breath, Eyes, Memory 7 (2021)

Breath, Eyes, Memory 8 (2021)

Breath, Eyes, Memory 9 (2021)

Breath, Eyes, Memory 10 (2021)

Breath, Eyes, Memory 11 (2021)